When you look at Else Vogt’s face, you see 107 years of life experience and, above all, contentment. She lives in a retirement home in Soest. Else comes from a large family – with five brothers and three sisters, there was always something going on.
Her recipe for a long life: „Accept all strokes of fate. That’s the only way to be strong.“
And she had enough: all her brothers died in war, her fiancé too, and her husband died in 1982. Her sister, with whom she had lived for a long time, died 8 years ago and her best friend 2 years ago. Out of 8 siblings she is the only one still alive.
Her family members always ask themselves: „How does she manage so much? So much bad luck in fate, plus two world wars, and she keeps going! We can take a leaf out of that book!“
Her motto: „It is what it is.“
Else is very modest, very quiet and likes to stay in the background. Until her 101st birthday, Else lived at home – „the neighbours fetched crates of drinks, I did the ironing for them.“
Else celebrated her 107th birthday digitally in a large circle – because of the Corona pandemic, a visit was not possible, so there was a large video circuit – including an online blessing from the local priest.
Else has never been to a clinic and does not take any medication.
Her advice to the youth: „Go to school with pleasure and do your tasks good, so that the teacher doesn’t need the stick!“